“”David Lagercrantz bygger vidare på Stieg Larssons grund med den äran. Romangestalterna fortsätter att fascinera, och när det gäller att skapa spänning hör han till de bästa i genren.”
“”Det är oavbrutet spännande ...”
““Mästerligt berättat, handlingen sprakar av liv”.”
“”Uppslukande…imponerande” ”
““Salander and Blomkvist have survived the authorship transition intact and are just as compelling as ever.”
““Anyone craving more Salander bad-assery should get their hands on a copy of Spider’s Web faster than Lisbeth can hack into the NSA.”
““Larsson characters has never been better than they are now in David Lagercrantz’s book.”
““Lagercrantz’s continuation, while never formulaic, is a cleaner and tighter read than the originals.”
““Lagercrantz has more than met the challenge. Larsson’s brainchildren are in good hands and may have even come up a bit in the world.”
““He (Lagercrantz) has carried it out with intelligence and vigour.”
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